Lion's Club 
Contact: Tom Combs
Phone: 641-435-2448
The Lion's are a local service group with state and national affiliation. We have been a pacesetter in that we have invited women into our group. They have been a strong support and several hold offices. We have been involved in many projects including the fire station, weight and fitness room and school projects. Each year we host a fish fry, pancake breakfast and we made a community calendar last year.
Main Street Matters
Contact: Jane Overturf
The Main St. Matters Group works to promote downtown businesses and other Nashua events. We have sweet corn feeds, special music, games for children, soup and chili cook-offs, bike rides and ice cream socials. We have weekly planning meetings at Ruthie's Main St. Cafe every Tuesday from 2-3pm. Come join us.
Nashua Parish Nurses
Contact: Lisa Franzen
Phone: 641-435-0100
Ruth Bierschenk
Phone: 641-435-4962
We currently have sixteen members and our mission is to share in the ministry of Jesus through care of the whole person by improving the health of the people of the community of which we serve. We have been involved in the 'head over wheels' program where low income children can get free bike helmets, we teach bike helmet safety, have congenital heart programs, winter driving safety for high schoolers, life line, stroke, artery, bone density and cholesterol screening and offer a babysitting clinic.
Nashua Stump Jumpers
Nashua's Snowmobile Club
President, Russ Reams
503 Wentling St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Nashua Women's Club
Contact: Marjorie Bullen
Phone: 641-435-2452
We are a community group that meets once a month on the second Thursday with programs concerning public affairs, education, health, the arts, etc. We donate locally to the girl scouts, Nashua Fire Station, the library, etc., plus we give an annual scholarship to a Nashua/Plainfield student.
Contact: Christine Stolz
Phone: 641-435-2086
We are an educational, philanthropic organization. We have a scholarship for a local senior, we give to the library, we participate with local organizations at holidays. We further the education of women by helping a needy female student.
Contact: Tom Kolodzieg
Phone: 641-435-2422
We do small community services, have programs on Memorial Day and Veteran's Day at the highschool. We pick up trash on the high ways, have honor guards and fire squads for funerals. We loanout wheel chairs, canes, walkers and crutches to needy people.
Women of Today
Contact: Cindy Hanneman
Phone: 641-435-
"Come Join Us", we provide state and local member chapters opportunities in the areas of leadership training, personal growth, community service and work in partnership with established foundations. We have done 'buckets of sunshine' furnishing hats, mittens and boots to Nashua Plainfield elementary students. We purchase bikes and helmets for the third grade bike rodeo, support the food pantry, fireworks for civic league, trees for the park campaign, library magazine drive, summer reading program, adopt a highway, playground equipment and after prom.