A Directory of Local Businesses
Looking for a service? New to the area? Many of the merchants and business people of Nashua and the surrounding areas are listed here for your convenience. Looking for a particular type of service? Use the search option. If you have a business and want to be listed or want to change your information contact us .
AccuSystems Inc.,
Barb Duckett, Owner
305 Main St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4802
email: accutax@sbtek.net
A full service accounting firm serving all northeast Iowa since
1989. For all your payroll, bookkeeping, data processing or tax
needs, contact us. We specialize in small to medium-sized
All Major Appliance Repair
E. Lee Hutchinson, Owner/Tech
email: lee@allmajorappliancerepair.com
website: allmajorappliancerepair.com
Avenue of the Saints Vet Hospital
Phyllis Frost, D.V.M.
email: drfrost@wi-p.net
email: avehospstaff@wi-p.net
website: www.frostdvm.net
We are a satellite clinic of the Ave. of the Saints Animal Hospital
in Waverly and Charles City. Both are veterinary clinics serving small animals.
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Beck's Curly Q
Joyce Beck, Owner
424 Cedar St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4925
Becthold Plumbing
Paul Becthold, Owner
Phone: 641-330-8084
Ben Scholl's Photography
Phone: 641-430-0060
web: www.benshollphotography.com
Bill Harrington & Associates Agency
203 Livingston St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4720 cell: 641-330-2647
Insurance Services
Bloomin' Wooley Acres - Garden Share
Loyd Johnson
3331 Floyd Line Street
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2206
Fax: 641-435-4812
email: bloominwooleyacres@peoplepc.com
Growing garden produce and delivering it fresh to your door!
Veggies, Berries,Asparagus, Herbs, Flowers.
Borlaug Learning Center

Contact: Jeannie Tibbitts
3327 290th St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4864 Fax: 641-435-2009
The center is named after Dr. Norman Borlaug, a Nobel Peace
Prize winner. It is a regional facility designed to promote
sustainable agricultural practices. There is a cabinet featuring a
display of his life and achievements. The center has ten offices,
two classrooms, and a conference room. It can be reserved for
meetings or conferences.
Bradford House
Mel Johnston, Owner
Hwy 346 East
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4669
website: www.bhousemotel.com
Motel rooms & camping available.
Brothers Custom Gutters
Kenyon & Robyn Brody
114 Woodbridge St.
Nashua,IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2590 or 800-270-1234
Building Works
Matt Franzen
23 Maple St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-330-6802
Interior, Exterior, Construction, Remodeling
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Carol's Kitchen
Carol Goddard, Owner
204 Dixie Drive
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2037
Specialty cakes, and other baked items such as cookies, breads,
bars, and candies.
Casey's General Store
100 Amherst Blvd.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4814
Convenience & Gas Station, located on the Avenue of the Saints,
specializing in pizza.
Cayman Island Condos
317 Charles City Rd.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2001
website: www.cicondos.com
Caribbean Condo Rentals in the Cayman Islands
Cedarhill Development
Dave Demro
2705 Ivanhoe Ave.
Nashua, IA 50658
Lots for sale in Nashua's largest development. Lots vary in size
and cost - some with view of Cedar Lake. For further information
check our website at www.cedarhilldevelopment.com or call David
Demro at 641-435-4589.
Cedar River Consignment
Dave Kuhn, Owner
222 Main St.
Nashua, IA 5058
Phone: 641-330-5006
Clothes, decorative items, shoes, purses, movies, books.
Cedar River Redemption **Alley Entrance**
Dave Kuhn, Owner
222 Main St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-330-5006
No Washing---No Waiting Bottle & Can Redemption
Cedar Valley Crane & Hoist, Inc.
3085 Addison Blvd.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4139
Cedar Valley Ranch
Mike Kyffin and Judith Willemssen
31363 110th St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 319-276-3200
Horseback riding lessons, boarding, and horse training.
Remember us for all your training and instruction needs.
Chad Crabtree Auto Body
Chad Crabtree. Owner
208 Ford St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4169
Chickadee Garden
Roy, Jane & Nikki Overturf, Owners
308 Main St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2444
Email: chickadee@butler-bremer.com
Gifts, crafts, art, jewelry, baskets,seasonal, bedding plants
Chiropractic Connections, PC
Dr. Morgan Pommrehn-Jass, D.C.
12 Woodbridge St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2102
making life's adjustments
Christensen Remodeling
Steve Christensen, Owner
402 Madison St. PO Box 282
Nashua, IA 50658
641-435-4044 or 641-257-9600
Flip Your House !
Roofing, Siding, Windows, Painting, Landscaping and more...
Connor Management & Real Estate
36 Chestnut St., POB 129
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4788
Fax: 641-435-4558
email: connormanagement@earthlink.net
Country Repair
Dean Hammond
1064 290th St.
Nashua, IA 50658
C&W Rustic Hollow Shelter, Inc.
P.O. Box 67
Nashua, IA 50658
website: www.rustichollowshelter.org
Our shelter is a no-kill non-profit rescue organization and lifetime
care sanctuary for special needs felines, those with feline
leukemia and FIV, felines who are disabled or felines who have
lost their guardian. Three shelter buildings house 224 felines at
any given time. 15% of the felines are in our Adoption Program,
we have an Education Program, Volunteer Program, Pet Therapy,
Rehoming Program, a Sponsorship Program, Behavioral
Counseling and the felines welcome visitors to the sanctuary
anytime. Call for newsletter.
Croell Redi-Mix
401 Mechanic St.
Nashua, IA 50658
All your cement needs. Where quality concrete and courteous
service is mixed together to bring you the very best
Cronin, Skilton & Skilton, Attorneys at Law
David & Christine Skilton, Owners
205 Brasher St.
Nashua, IA 50658
email: dhs.csslaw@butler-bremer.com
website: www.csskiltonlaw.com
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Dairy Treat

Kent & Tonja Olson, Owners
510 Sample St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Short-order Menu - Ice Cream Treats
Dancin' DJ
Donna Brandhorst
2650 Old Hwy. Rd.
Nashua, IA 50658
641-435-4196 or 319-215-6594
All types of music for all occasions!
Dietz Construction LLC
2696 Hwy. 218 N.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2080
email: ddietz@dietzconstructionllc.com
web: dietzconstructionllc.com
Dietz Construction L.L.C. specializes in energy-efficient, health
conscious homes in Northeast Iowa.
Dave Fober Construction
2972 Asherton Ave.
Nashua, IA 50658
Demro Electric, Inc.
Dave Demro, Owner
2751 Charles City Rd.
Nashua, IA 50658
email: demroel@rconnect.com
General electric work, sales of LB White Heaters, Balder Motors,
Siebring Pressure Washers, AP Livestock Products and Pride of
the Farm Equipment. Serving the area since 1955.
Dianne's House of Hair
Dianne Burnett, Owner
524 St. Lawrence St.
Nashua,IA 50658
Deike Excavating, LLC
Kenn Deike, Licensed Septic Contractor
319-276-3393 or 319-404-8898
State Certified Time of Sale Inspector, New Septic Systems,
Septic System Inspection and Repair, On Site Waste
Management, Water Line Repair, New Basement/Footings/
Basement Wall Repair, Cement Removal/Demolition and Sub
Contract Work.
Dusty Roads Greenhouse (seasonal)
Julie Hurd, Owner,
1548 300th St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2592
Perennials, annuals, lawn ornaments, hanging baskets, Rocks,
Planters. Directions from Nashua: 4 miles east on Hwy 346 to
Exeter, then south 3 miles to 300th St., east for 1 mile.
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Essential Sights & Sounds, D J Service
Benjamim Scholl, Owner
2670 Cheyenne Ave.
Nashua, IA 5058
Phone: 641-330-0060
DJ and Sound Solutions for Weddings-Reunions-Parties-Picnics and
other events large & small.
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Five Star Co-op
3 Woodbridge St.
Nashua, Ia 50658
Phone: 641-435-4163 (grain) 641-435-4665 (fertilizer)
email: nashfert@fivestarcoop.com
Your locally owned cooperative is your source for grain
merchandising, livestock feed, petroleum, LP gas, fertilizer,
chemicals, seeds, hardware and technical expertise.
Financial Decisions Group
Life Investors Insurance of America
Dennis Litterer-LUTCF
215 Main St.
Nashua,IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2482
First National Bank of Waverly
Kirk Hummel, President Plainfield Office
801 Main St. Plainfield, IA 50666
Phone: 319-276-4499
email: kirkhummel@fnbwaverly.com
First State Bank
Glen McMichael, President
401 Main St.
Nashua, Iowa 50658
Phone: 641-435-4943
website: www.fsb-nashua.com
email: glenn@fsb-nashua.com
"Where Community Matters"
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G.A. Rosol Construction
316 Aspinwall St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Gardner Architecture
Mark Moine
1115 Asherton Circle
Nashua, IA 50658
Glenn's Sharpening
Glenn Johnson, Owner
32446 Floyd Line St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2511
Sharpening of all kinds!
GODSTAR Studio & Gallery P.O. Box 602 -
309 Main St.
Nashua, Iowa 50658-0602
Ph: 641.435.2342
Email: godstarstudio@yahoo.com or info@godstar.com
Web Sites: www.godstar.com www.wettglass.com
Custom engraving for any occasion or event. On crystal, mirrors,
glass, granite and most any hard surface. Our Gallery features:
engraved art, unusual and unique gifts, as well as works of art
from area artists.
Graphic Apparel
Vicky Fonley, Owner
77 Monroe St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-257-9454
email: vfonley1593 @earthlink.com
Screenprinting on garments, shirts & sweatshirts, caps, jackets,
etc. Many choices to chose from.
Green Image Lawn Care
Corey Cerwinske, Owner
1223 Main St.
Nashua,IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4159
email: corey@greenimagelawncare.net
Full service landscaping including lawn care, sodding, mowing,
aeration, grading, retaining walls, patios, landscaping.
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Haase Sales & Service
604 Woodbridge St.
Nashua,IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4765
Restoration of Silos.
Hanawalt & Son Lumber Company
1929 270th Street
Ionia, Iowa 50645
Phone: 641-435-4516
Hinz Realty
Vicki Shipp
2912 Asherton Ave.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2614
website: threeoakstree@yahoo.com
If your real estate needs changing, consider me.
Horn Antiques
3355 Floyd Line St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2263
We have horse drawn buggies, wagons, sleighs, yard wagon
website: www.hornantiques.com
Hugeback Chenoweth Funeral Home
319 Main St., N
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4134
website: www.hugebackfuneralhome.com
website: www.chenowethfuneralhome.com
Locations in Nashua & Fredericksburg, New Hampton, Lawler
and Protivin.
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ImagineIt Advertising Dirk Firman, Owner 228 Sample Street
Nashua, IA 50658-7763
Website: www.imagineitads.com
Iris's Beauty Salon
324 Greenwood
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4834
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Janell Kraus, Independent Fitness Coach
2690 Old Hwy. Rd.
Nashua, IA 50658
email: janell_kraus@hotmail.com
website: www.janellkraus.com
I am in the business of helping others live a healthier lifestyle
through fitness & nutrition.
JTees Designs
Jenny Stirling, Owner
307 Main St., Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2888
email: jteesdesigns@qwestoffice.net
We offer screen printing, embroidery, vinyl signs/decals, tanning,
apparel and purses.
Jim's Small Engine Repair
Jim Zubrod
Hwy 218 S.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2321
John N. Larsen
Real Estate Salespeson
Roach Farms, Inc.
714 Main St.
Plainfield, IA 50666
Phone: 641-435-2507 or cell 641-257-7022
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Kwik Trip

Convenience Store Industry
201 Greenwood Ave.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4934
Kwik-Trip gives you a lot of what you're looking for; quality
gasoline, delicious convenience foods, snacks, beverages and
much more!
website: www.kwiktrip.com
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Larry Ohlendorf Construction
Larry Ohlendorf, Owner
303 Wentling St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2379
Free Estimates, Roofing & Remodeling, Garages, Decks,
AdditIons and Siding.
Licensed * Bonded * Insured *
Lee's Foundation Spraying
Chris Lee
521 Sample St. POB 767
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2682 or 319-610-3503
Foundation Waterproofing
LeRoy's Repair
1194 Beaumont Way
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: (641) 435-4349
Fax: (641) 435-2237
Website: http://go-polaris.com/leroys/
Email: leroys@fiai.net
Lewiston Monument
Doug Strike
2689 Amherst Place
Nashua, Ia 50658
Phone: 641-435-4889
For the finest in Granite Monuments
Lincoln Savings Bank
121 Cedar St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4171
email: lsbinfo@lincolnsavingsbank.com
website: www.lincolnsavingsbank.com
Lore's Repair
Gary Lore, Owner
917 Greeley St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4412
Car & Light Truck repair, Master Craft Tire Dealer, ( other brands
too), Exide batteries.
Lou's LP
Louis Harrington, Owner
3396 270th St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2648
LP Gas-delivered.
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Main Street Laundry
Contact: David Litterer
Charles City, IA 50616
Phone: 641-228-1644
Full service laundry, large capacity washers/dryers.
McDonald Integrated (Photography & Graphic Design)
Karen McDonald
301 Waverly St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4117
email: mcd.int@butler-bremer.com
High School Senior, Family, & Wedding Photography, plus graphic
design such as brochures, logos, & custom designs on
Mother Mary's Day Care
Mary Willsher, Owner
1302 Greeley St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2134
Hours: as early as 4:30 am - 6:00pm, fenced in yard, lots of
activities and TLC, been in business for twenty-five years, fifteen
in Nashua.
Muller Auction Company
Wendell Muller
2950 Asherton Ave.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4116
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Nashua Area Medical Center
109 Woodbridge St. POB 69
Nashua, Ia 50658
Phone: 641-435-4181
We are a family practice clinic staffed by Dr. David G. Schweizer,
M.D. and Mr. Steve Blum P.A.C.F.N.P.
Nashua Monument Works

Lance Banwart, Owner
Molly Herrick, Office/Sales Manager
723 Greeley St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2242 or 1-800-793-2242
email: nashuamonuments@fiai.net
Monument sales-bronze plaque sales-concrete repair and
"In Business since 1930"
Nashua Pharmacy & Pharmacy Floral

310 Main St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4188 or 641-435-2043
Full service pharmacy and great selection of over the counter
items. Lots of gift items and large selection of greeting cards. We
also have a full service flower shop, specializing in wedding,
funeral and all occasion flowers.
Nashua Plumbing & Heating
Butch Betsinger, Owner
317 Main St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4714
email: nashuaph@fiai.net
Complete plumbing shop, furnaces, water heaters.
Nashua Real Estate
Wendell & Delane Muller
2950 Asherton Ave.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4348
Serving Nashua and the surrounding area for twenty-five years.
Nashua Town & Country Club

2898 Asherton Ave.
Nashua, 50658
Phone: 641-435-4466
Golf Course Green Fees:
Weekdays $13.00
Weekends & Holidays: $16.00
Carts Available
We take reservations for meals.
We also cater wedding receptions and have facilities for dances &
New Age Realty
Donna Pierce
308 Main St.
P.O. Box 675
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2087
email: piercedonna@earthlink.net
website: www.newage-realty.com
Realtor serving buyers & sellers in Nashua and surrounding area.
North Iowa Monument
Scott Cerwinske and Corey Cerwinske
186 Greenwood Ave., N
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4495
email: nimonument@qwestoffice.net
Monument Sales, Granite & Bronze signs, cemetery lettering,
cemetery repair & restoration.
Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm
Kenneth Pecinovsky
3321 290th St.
Nashua, IA 50658
The Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm has been
providing a place for agricultural research geared to northeast
Iowa since 1976 on this 260acre farm owned by an association. It
is a cooperative endeavor with Iowa State University's Agriculture
& Home Economics Experiment Station. Some of the research
done on the farm includes: Corn and soybean production, garden
produce evaluation,soil management, water quality experiments
and alternative energy sources. Workshops are offered too.
Nub's Bait, Tackle & More

303 Main St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4868
Rods, Reels, Fishing Accessories, with live and artificial bait. A few
camping and boating items.
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P A C Real Estate
Pat Crooks
282 Lakeshore Dr..
Nashua, IA 50658
Pampered Chef
Sandy Moses, Director, Kitchen Consultant, Consultant Trainer
602 St. Lawrence St. PO Box 811
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4801
email: chefsandy@butler-bremer.com
website: www.pamperedchef.biz/sandyscookin
Selling quality kitchen tools for over eleven years. Will do shows,
catalog sales, bridal shows, and fundraisers.
Pederson Plumbing
Allen Pederson, Owner Licensed, Bonded, Insured
Phone: 641-330-9142
e-mail: alliepe@hotmail.com
For all your plumbing, painting, radon testing and mitigation
People's Insurance
Kurt Nelson
419 Main St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4313
website: www.peoples-insurance.com
For all your insurance needs: home, auto, farm, business, life,
health, crop, hail.
Powder Keg Sport Shop
Dave & Char Junker, Owners
Hwy 346 East
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2124
"Your Source for Hunting and Fishing Supplies" boat & motor
sales and repair, gun sales, archery, licenses, bait. Business
Hours: 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm, Mon- Fri. Sat. 9:oo-5:00pm
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Reams Masonry
Russ Reams
Phone: 319-330-1308
email: russreams@butler-bremer.com
Honest, Professional, Quality Workmanship
Journeyman Bricklayer - Foundations, Basements, Fireplaces,
Exterior homes! Anything that requires a mason, he can do it!! :)
River Bend Enterprises, L.C.
3000 Asherton Ave.
POB 307
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2436
Sand and gravel operation with dump trucks for hire. We will haul
road rock, fill sand, sand, black dirt, fill dirt and asphalt.
River Ranch Camping

Gerald and Stacey Slessor
2575 Cheyenne Ave
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: (641) 435-2108
website: www.riverranchcamp.com
email: macaw@fiai.net
River Ranch is situated along the clean, sandy bottomed Little
Cedar River. Choose a shady or open site with RV hook ups,
tenting areas with modern restrooms nearby, or a cabin. Spend
the day fishing or river swimming; tubing or riding the fun cycles;
relax in the spa then watch a cozy night time campfire. Petting
zoo animals are on the ground, plus many nearby attractions.
Roach Farms, Inc.
714 Main Street
Plainfield, Iowa 50666
Phone: 319-276-4455
website: www.roachfarms.com
email: rfinc@butler-bremer.com
John Larson - 641-435-2507
For all your real estate needs: buying, selling, appraisals, farm
management, insurance.
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S&G Enterprises
Mike Stastny
205 Main St.
Phone: 641-435-4035
Apartments for Rent
S&T Collision Center & S&T Auto Sales
Steve & Tami Sudol, Owners
301 Greenwood Ave.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4825
email: sud@rconnect.com
Our business consists of auto body repair and also a small car
dealership. We have been in business now for the last fourteen
Security First Insurance
Tim Baldwin
80 Amhearst Blvd. Ste. 200
Nashua, IA
Phone: 641-435-0200
email: sec1st@butler-bremer.com
Seehase, Ashley, Certified In Home Daycare
516 Madison St.
Nashua,IA 50658
Sidetrackt DJ Service
Hal Kelleher
914 Brasher St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Small World Day Care
Liza Zwanziger, Owner
900 Sample St.
Nashua, IA 50658
email: zwanziger@earthlink.net
Hours: 4:30 - 6:00pm Five days a week. Huge playground, farm
animals to see, safe, happy, healthy, living environment to grow
in. Ten years experience.
Stansson Computer Service
Tom Kolodzieg
1016 Casper Ave.
Nashua, IA 50658
Doug Strike
Representing Lewiston Monument Company
2689 Amherst Place
Nashua, IA 50658
For the Finest in Granite Monuments - Serving IA, MN,WI since
Sullivan Construction
Tom Sullivan, Owner
2720 Durham Ave.
Nashua, IA 50658
email: tomani@rconnect.com
New construction, remodeling, farm, residential & commercial."Over twenty-five years experience."
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T&K Tractor Repair
1521 270th St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4041
Tom's Barbershop
Tom Johnson
320 Main St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2476
Full service barbershop since 1951. Open 8-5pm, Monday -
Friday: 8-12pm Saturday. No appointment necessary. Classic
Cleaner-Dry cleaning: pick up Tuesday & Thursday.
The Local Geeks - Computer Repair
John Long and Chris Long
209 Lexington St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Call John (641-220-1721) or Chris (641-740-7589)
email: support@thelocalgeeks.com
Virus Removal, General Cleaning, New System Build, Hardware
Installed. Give us a call or e-mail to discuss any questions you
may have.
The Mill
Clair Rottinghaus, Owner
102 Sample St.
Nashua,IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2013
The Nashua Reporter

216 Main St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-394-2111
The Nashua Reporter and Weekly Nashua Post has served
Nashua and surrounding communities since 1847.
Subscriptions: $25.00 - $30.00.
The Scratching Post Thrift & Gift
216 Main St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4151
website: www.rustichollowshelter.org
The Scratching Post Thrift & Gift is operated by and for C&W
Rustic Hollow Shelter, Inc. All proceeds from the sales go towards
a subsidized spay/neuter program for the community and to help
defray cost of emergency veterinary care of rescued animals.
C&W is a No-Kill 501c(3) rescue organization and lifetime care
sanctuary for felines with special needs. Donations are tax
deductible. All items in the shop are donated to help the animals.
The Whole Country Caboodle
Leanne Anderson, Owner
1021 267th St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2559
One of a kind original designed fabrics, dinner ware..
Thorson Construction
Tim Thorson
1910 Horton Rd.
Waverly, IA 50677
Residental Remodeling, Additions, New Construction
Town House Lounge
Barry Debower, Owner
316 Main St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2464 Breakfast is served from 6 am - 11 am.
Noon and weekend specials, good food, karaoke, 'meet your friends'.
Dirk Firman
304 Sample Street
Nashua, IA 50658-9707
Phone: 641-435-4174
website: www.tvtdvd.com
We Transfer Your Old Home Movie Reels And Videotapes Into DVD and Hard Drive Productions.
Triple H Ranch
Zoo & Educational Center
Reservation Only: 641-330-4280
Visit our camels, wallaby, reptiles, farm critters.
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Vickie's Day Care
Vickie Bergmann, Owner
524 Wentling St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4437
Healthy meals offered, educational activities, quality care, drop
ins welcome.
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Welter's Custom Cabinets

Jeff & Cherri Welter
613 Greeley St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4060
We specialize in quality kitchen cabinets, custom home
furnishings, such as entertainment centers, gun cabinets,
fireplace surrounds, millwork, etc. We also do Corian, SSV &
laminate counter tops. Cabinet door manufacturer.
Wilken Auto Salvage
Andy & Sara Wilken
1157 275th St.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-4077
Full service salvage yard. We can find your parts easily with our
computer system.
Wood Country Crafts
Bill & Pat Kleinschmidt
2920 Victory Ave.
Nashua, IA 50658
Phone: 641-435-2176
Custom Made Oak Quilt Racks & Shelves
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